Friday, November 30, 2018

LASIK: A Popular Laser Eye Surgery Method

LASIK is a widely practiced method of laser eye surgery.  Vision is improved using laser vision correction techniques like LASIK through a reshaping of the tissue underneath the top later of the eye.
It is often hard to really describe what LASIK is and what is involved without using a lot of technical mumbo jumbo.  The jest of it boils down to the fact that when vision needs correcting and a surgical option is sought, whether we are correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatisms, a procedure using a refractive laser is performed to restore proper vision in the eye.  LASIK is the most popular and most widely accepted surgical method used in treating refractive errors and is done by reshaping the cornea in a manner that allows light to focus properly.

LASIK surgeons create a flap near the front of the eye that exposes the inner layers of tissue on the cornea to allow the laser to shape the cornea.  This is done by removing exposed tissue that is preventing the light to focus as need be.  The surgery is completed when the surgeon seals up the eye by closing the flap.  The eye is given time to heal and vision often returns to near perfect within a matter of twenty-four hours.

Benefits of LASIK

  • Experience: LASIK is a form of laser vision correction that has been in place form more than twenty years. Surgeons have been performing this procedure for many years and are very experienced correcting several defects within the cornea of the eye.
  • Recovery: The recovery process is unlike any other. Your vision starts to become clearer within just a couple hours of surgery.  What other surgical procedure of this nature do you see drastic results like this?
  • Obtainability: LASIK is a very popular procedure and performed across the state of Michigan. Rohr Eye & Laser Center sees patients from all around the area.  It is safe to say that almost every office offering laser vision correction offers LASIK as an available procedure.

Possible Side Effects

All surgeries have the potential for side effects and LASIK is no different, although highly rare.  Possible side effects can include:
  • Flap Complications: In order to reach the cornea a flap is made in the outer layer of the eye. Side effects to the flap specifically can include infection, inflammation, and dislocation.  The flap is intended to adhere back into location right after surgery however is it doesn’t seal back together with the corneal tissue, issues can arise.  The flap rests on the eye so there is opportunity present for it to dislodge during healing.  Therefore, it is recommended to lay low and avoid any contact sports or intense activities during the healing process.
  • Dry Eye: Dry eyes can occur after laser vision correction surgery. Nerves in the eye are cut during the procedure which can reduce the sensation to blink.  When a person doesn’t blink often enough it will not stay as lubricated as it needs to.  Although uncomfortable, dry eyes will often improve quickly.
LASIK is one of many laser vision correction methods performed at Rohr Eye and Laser Center.  For a detailed, FREE consultation call the office to schedule a time to meet with our dedicated team.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Coping with Cataracts

Cataracts are a way of life for people as they age.  If you notice a cloudiness in your vision, you are most likely developing cataracts.  The clouding is in your eye’s natural lens that lies behind the iris and pupil.  This eye disease is the leading cause of blindness throughout the world.  More people have cataracts across the world than the combination of diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma according to PBA, Prevent Blindness America.  In fact, 22 million Americans over the age of 40 are experiencing cataracts.

Three Types of Cataracts

Subcapsular: This is a cataract that develops at the back of the lens.  People that suffer from diabetes or take a high dose of steroid medicine are at a greater risk of developing subcapsular cataracts.
Nuclear: This type of cataract is often associated with aging and forms deep within the nucleus of the lens.
Cortical:  Cortical cataracts appear in the lens cortex (part of the lens surrounding the central nucleus) and often appears as white wedge, working from the periphery of the lens and moves into the center of the lens like a spoke.

Symptoms & Signs

Cataracts begin small and have little effect to a person vision however overtime you will notice that your vision will become a bit hazy and blurred.   You may notice that you become more sensitive to light as well.  The symptoms that are experienced often vary from person to person as well as on the type of cataract that has developed.  An eye exam can give you an official diagnosis.


The lens of your eye acts similar to a camera lens.  Light is focused onto the retina which gives you clear vision.  It adjusts focus to let things be seen close and far away.  The eyes lens is made up of proteins and water.  Proteins are arranged in a way that keeps the lens clear and allows light to pass through.  As we get older the proteins may get clumped together and cloud the lens.  This is a cataract and will continue to grow making it harder and harder to see clearly. It is not exactly clear why the lens changes and form cataracts however some risk factors are:
  • Ultraviolet radiation from the sun
  • Family history
  • Abuse of alcohol
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Extended use of corticosteroid medication
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Previous eye surgeries, injuries, and inflammation


There are a number of studies, mostly controversial, show that certain nutrients and nutritional supplements can help reduce the risk of cataracts.  Higher intakes of vitamin E, carotenoids lutein, and zeaxanthin from supplements and nutrients in food have shown to decrease the risk of cataracts.   Wearing sunglasses that offer 100% blockage of the suns UV rays help to reduce the chances of cataracts.  Eye vitamins, a healthy diet, and good nutrition can help in the prevention of cataracts.
As symptoms occur your vision may be improved with new glasses, bifocal, increased lighting, and the use of other visual aids.  Surgery is only considered after cataracts have progressed and impair your vision and affect daily happenings. Most people think that bad vision occurs as a normal part of aging but surgery to correct cataracts is fairly simple, pain free, and widely available.
Cataract surgery is successful in restoring vision.  3 million Americans undergo surgery for cataracts each and every year. In fact, 9 out of 10 people regain good eye sight after cataract surgery, between 20/20 and 20/40. Surgeons remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear, plastic intraocular lens, IOL.
It is important to take time to recover from surgery.  Don’t plan on driving for a few days and avoid strenuous lifting and activities.  It is important not to bend over or put pressure on your eye.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Increasing Popularity Of LASIK Surgery

There are a number of benefits that come from corrective eye surgery such as LASIK.  Having perfect or close to perfect vision without the hassle of glasses and contacts. There is a great deal of annoyance that comes along with wearing glasses or contacts.  When you are engaging in physical activity, enjoying some time in the water, or what not you always worry about your glasses being in a safe place or if you will get sand in a contact. There is a lot of agitation that comes along with making sure the device you use to see properly doesn’t break or get something in it.

Living An Active Lifestyle

Laser corrective eye surgery makes athletics of all types simpler.   Many an athlete has come into the office complaining about the inconvenience of wearing glasses and contacts in contact sports.  LASIK is an attractive option for athletes. It is important however, that they give themselves enough time off in between surgery and heading into action to allow their eyes to heal.  Even if you are not a professional athlete, if you have a particularly active life style LASIK is beneficial as well.  Simple outdoor activities like jogging, hiking, camping, and more are all made simpler without having to worry about carrying contact solution with you or be concerned if you break a lens while out on the trail.  Laser eye surgery can elevate your active lifestyle.

Traveling Made Simpler

Vacations are made easier with laser vision surgery as well.  Anyone who has ever taken a trip knows how difficult it is to pack and prepare for a trip.  Now factor in the supplies you need to see along with spares in case you lose a contact or miss placing your glasses without having a suitable solution.  Your trip could easily become a disaster.  Imagine spending the entire vacation looking for a suitable replacement for your glasses or contacts rather than enjoying your time away.

Care Free Living

LASIK allows patients to go glasses free and still see without the discomfort that is often experienced with the use of contact lens.  This typically comes into play when preparing for a special event like your wedding day.  Brides are often disinterested in wearing their glasses on their wedding day however still want to be able to see, without the irritation of contact lenses.  LASIK gives patients the opportunity to just get up and go without a care in the world.  Imagine waking up and not having to consider the means at which you will see.

Cost Saving Solution

Another benefit of LASIK surgery comes from the money that is saved.  It is estimated that Americans spend upwards of 30 billion dollars a year on eye care solutions each year.  On average LASIK costs about $2,000 per eye which may seem costly however when you add the cost of yearly eye exams, contacts, glasses and the products to care for them properly you are spending upwards of $500 a year.  Considering you will need these products for the rest of your life and LASIK is a one-time expense, the savings is seen relatively quickly.

Laser vision correction is becoming an incredibly popular surgical option to improve vision for a number of reasons. LASIK is convenient and allows people to pursue a comfortable and confident lifestyle.  The many benefits that come from living a life without the addition of glasses and contacts allow us to see why laser vision surgery has become such a popular option to provide high quality vision.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Monday, November 12, 2018

Recovery After Lasik: What to Expect

LASIK is a common surgical procedure that is performed everyday throughout the United States.  The biggest concern that most patients have surrounds recovery.  It is important to note that although the surgery last only a few minutes per eye, the long-term recovery process, complete healing, can take upwards of six months.  Here are some common side effects and how you can relieve them.

Overall Discomfort and Minor Pain

Most LASIK patients describe a certain level of discomfort during and after laser vision surgery.  The most common sensations are light sensitivity, burning, or ripping.  Some patients say they barely notice these symptoms while others find them to be quite bothersome.  Symptoms can vary a great deal between what LASIK procedures and technique was used.  This minor pain and overall discomfort should dissipate in about two to four hours after the surgery.


Redness is a normal side effect of laser vision surgery and recovery.  Some patients experience dark red spots in the whites of their eyes for a couple of days after their surgery.  These spots are very similar to bruising and can take weeks to completely disappear.

Dry Eyes

One of the most common symptoms after LASIK is dry eyes.  More than fifty percent of patients express their need for eye drops after surgery.  Surgeons will recommend you purchase eye drops before the surgery in addition to the prescription eye drops that are prescribed to prevent infection and inflammation.

After the procedure you will be required to meet with your surgeon the next day for a post-operative appointment.  During this appointment you will have your vision checked and the ophthalmologist will check to make sure that your corneas are healing.  This is the time to address any symptoms you are experiencing with your doctor.  You will have several appointments throughout the healing process to verify that they process is occurring properly.  The intervals for these appointments will be one month, three months, and six months.  At the sixth month visit your eyes should be completely healed and your vision stabilized.

After surgery, to avoid complications, there are a number of activities that should be avoided including from wearing make-up to avoiding strenuous activities.  It is also important to avoid getting soap and water in your eye and you should avoid swimming or any activity in which you submerse your head in water.   Computer use should also be avoided or used cautiously.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at