Friday, December 21, 2018

A Comprehensive Look at Refractive and Laser Eye Surgery

Refractive and laser eye surgery, known also as vision correction surgery, is implied to surgical procedures that repair problems with vision.  In the last decade there have been huge developments in the process of vision correction using lasers.  Both refractive and laser eye surgery allow patients to see better than they previously. 

Many laser eye vision correction surgeries are done by reshaping the eyes cornea.  The cornea is the front part of the eye that lets light pass through it and focus it on the retina, which is the back of the eye.  Other surgical procedures are done by replacing the natural lens of the eye.
LASIK, otherwise known as laser in-situ keratomileusis, is a surgery that assists in nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatisms.  The surgeon will reshape the tissues found underneath the cornea, so the light can focus properly.  A flap is made in the outer layer of the cornea in order to access the tissues that lay underneath.  This flap is what differentiates LASIK from other surgical vision procedures.  During LASIK surgeons may also use wavefront technology.  This technology creates a detailed picture of the cornea to use as a guide during surgery.

During Epi-LASIK, a surgeon separates the thin layers of tissue from the cornea and then reshape them using a laser.  The area is protected by using a soft contact lens to hold the flap in place while the tissues are healing.  

PRK, otherwise known as photorefractive keratectomy, is a surgery that assists in the correction of mild to moderate nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatisms.  Similar to LASIK a laser is used in PRK to reshape the cornea.  In PRK the laser is only used on the cornea and not the tissues underneath.  Similar to LASIK, wavefront technology is used in PRK to obtain a picture of the cornea.

LASEK, otherwise known as laser epithelial keratomileusis, is a surgery that is very similar to PRK that assists in nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatisms. Surgeons create a flap and use an alcohol solution that loosens the tissue and the laser is then used to reshape the cornea.  Once this part of the procedure is complete the surgeon will put a soft contact in place to hold the flap while it heals. 

During Epi-LASEK, a surgeon cuts a small flap within the cornea while using an alcohol solution to separate the thin layer of tissue for the cornea, reshapes it with the laser, and is protected by a soft contact lens holding the flap in place for healing.

RLE, refractive lens exchange is known by a few different common names including PRELEX, CLE, and RLR.  This is the same surgery that is done for cataracts.  Surgeons make a small cut at the edge of the cornea.  They then remove the eyes natural lens and replace it with a plastic or silicone lens.  This surgery is used to correct severe farsightedness and nearsightedness.  The surgery works for patients with dry eye, thin corneas, and minor issues with their corneas. 
Surgical laser vision correction is safe and effective.  Similar to any surgery there are known side effects that can include: infection, a delay in healing, under or over correction, worse vision, corneal haze, halo effect, regression, and/or flap damage.  All of which are rare but can occur.  It is important to always talk in depth with your laser vision correction surgeon before the procedure about any questions or concerns you may have.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Monday, December 17, 2018

How Exactly Is My Cataract Going to Be Removed?

Cataracts have become a common complaint amongst the aging population.  In fact, cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States today.  Thankfully, surgery is very successful step in treating cataracts and improving patients’ vision.  The word surgery itself seems to invoke a lot of fear let alone pairing it with the word eye. The good news is that most patients undergoing cataract surgery not only experience improved vision, but they do so with little to no side effects. 

Cataract surgery is performed by making two incredibly small incisions in the cornea. The cornea is a transparent dome that is made up of tissue that covers the front of your eye.  The incisions that are made into this tissue are less than 3 millimeters.  This is very small incision. 

Once the two incisions have been made, your cataract surgeon will inject a gooey thick material into the front of your eye to help it keep its natural shape while the surgery is performed.  The goo that is injected is a substance that naturally occurs in your body.  The thickness of the bi-product ensures that leakage does not occur while the surgery is performed.

Phacoemulsification is the technical name of the cataract surgery we are discussing.  In Phacoemulsification your surgeon creates a lens capsule to hold the lens in place.  This is done by creating an opening with in the natural sac and then separating the lens from the capsule by using a salt solution.  Once a surgeon has opened the capsule the lens can move freely within it. A specialized ultrasound is used to break up the lens into a bunch of small pieces and suck it out of the eye.
Before Phacoemulsification, cataract surgery looked a lot different.  In prior surgeries cataracts were removed by making a large cut in the cornea and removing the lens in one solid piece.  This procedure required an extended recovery time as well as increased risk of infection, complication,and lasting side effects. 

In Phacoemulsification once the lens pieces are removed, more goo is injected into the lens capsule to help keep it open and to make room for the placement of the new lens.  The new lens is then placed into the lens capsule and allowed to unfold naturally.  The goo material will have kept the shape of the eye throughout surgery and the two small incisions will self-heal. 

This surgical option to removing cataracts was introduced over forty years ago and remains the most popular method used by eye surgeons in removing cataracts today.
Rohr Eye& Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Friday, November 30, 2018

LASIK: A Popular Laser Eye Surgery Method

LASIK is a widely practiced method of laser eye surgery.  Vision is improved using laser vision correction techniques like LASIK through a reshaping of the tissue underneath the top later of the eye.
It is often hard to really describe what LASIK is and what is involved without using a lot of technical mumbo jumbo.  The jest of it boils down to the fact that when vision needs correcting and a surgical option is sought, whether we are correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatisms, a procedure using a refractive laser is performed to restore proper vision in the eye.  LASIK is the most popular and most widely accepted surgical method used in treating refractive errors and is done by reshaping the cornea in a manner that allows light to focus properly.

LASIK surgeons create a flap near the front of the eye that exposes the inner layers of tissue on the cornea to allow the laser to shape the cornea.  This is done by removing exposed tissue that is preventing the light to focus as need be.  The surgery is completed when the surgeon seals up the eye by closing the flap.  The eye is given time to heal and vision often returns to near perfect within a matter of twenty-four hours.

Benefits of LASIK

  • Experience: LASIK is a form of laser vision correction that has been in place form more than twenty years. Surgeons have been performing this procedure for many years and are very experienced correcting several defects within the cornea of the eye.
  • Recovery: The recovery process is unlike any other. Your vision starts to become clearer within just a couple hours of surgery.  What other surgical procedure of this nature do you see drastic results like this?
  • Obtainability: LASIK is a very popular procedure and performed across the state of Michigan. Rohr Eye & Laser Center sees patients from all around the area.  It is safe to say that almost every office offering laser vision correction offers LASIK as an available procedure.

Possible Side Effects

All surgeries have the potential for side effects and LASIK is no different, although highly rare.  Possible side effects can include:
  • Flap Complications: In order to reach the cornea a flap is made in the outer layer of the eye. Side effects to the flap specifically can include infection, inflammation, and dislocation.  The flap is intended to adhere back into location right after surgery however is it doesn’t seal back together with the corneal tissue, issues can arise.  The flap rests on the eye so there is opportunity present for it to dislodge during healing.  Therefore, it is recommended to lay low and avoid any contact sports or intense activities during the healing process.
  • Dry Eye: Dry eyes can occur after laser vision correction surgery. Nerves in the eye are cut during the procedure which can reduce the sensation to blink.  When a person doesn’t blink often enough it will not stay as lubricated as it needs to.  Although uncomfortable, dry eyes will often improve quickly.
LASIK is one of many laser vision correction methods performed at Rohr Eye and Laser Center.  For a detailed, FREE consultation call the office to schedule a time to meet with our dedicated team.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Coping with Cataracts

Cataracts are a way of life for people as they age.  If you notice a cloudiness in your vision, you are most likely developing cataracts.  The clouding is in your eye’s natural lens that lies behind the iris and pupil.  This eye disease is the leading cause of blindness throughout the world.  More people have cataracts across the world than the combination of diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma according to PBA, Prevent Blindness America.  In fact, 22 million Americans over the age of 40 are experiencing cataracts.

Three Types of Cataracts

Subcapsular: This is a cataract that develops at the back of the lens.  People that suffer from diabetes or take a high dose of steroid medicine are at a greater risk of developing subcapsular cataracts.
Nuclear: This type of cataract is often associated with aging and forms deep within the nucleus of the lens.
Cortical:  Cortical cataracts appear in the lens cortex (part of the lens surrounding the central nucleus) and often appears as white wedge, working from the periphery of the lens and moves into the center of the lens like a spoke.

Symptoms & Signs

Cataracts begin small and have little effect to a person vision however overtime you will notice that your vision will become a bit hazy and blurred.   You may notice that you become more sensitive to light as well.  The symptoms that are experienced often vary from person to person as well as on the type of cataract that has developed.  An eye exam can give you an official diagnosis.


The lens of your eye acts similar to a camera lens.  Light is focused onto the retina which gives you clear vision.  It adjusts focus to let things be seen close and far away.  The eyes lens is made up of proteins and water.  Proteins are arranged in a way that keeps the lens clear and allows light to pass through.  As we get older the proteins may get clumped together and cloud the lens.  This is a cataract and will continue to grow making it harder and harder to see clearly. It is not exactly clear why the lens changes and form cataracts however some risk factors are:
  • Ultraviolet radiation from the sun
  • Family history
  • Abuse of alcohol
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Extended use of corticosteroid medication
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Previous eye surgeries, injuries, and inflammation


There are a number of studies, mostly controversial, show that certain nutrients and nutritional supplements can help reduce the risk of cataracts.  Higher intakes of vitamin E, carotenoids lutein, and zeaxanthin from supplements and nutrients in food have shown to decrease the risk of cataracts.   Wearing sunglasses that offer 100% blockage of the suns UV rays help to reduce the chances of cataracts.  Eye vitamins, a healthy diet, and good nutrition can help in the prevention of cataracts.
As symptoms occur your vision may be improved with new glasses, bifocal, increased lighting, and the use of other visual aids.  Surgery is only considered after cataracts have progressed and impair your vision and affect daily happenings. Most people think that bad vision occurs as a normal part of aging but surgery to correct cataracts is fairly simple, pain free, and widely available.
Cataract surgery is successful in restoring vision.  3 million Americans undergo surgery for cataracts each and every year. In fact, 9 out of 10 people regain good eye sight after cataract surgery, between 20/20 and 20/40. Surgeons remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear, plastic intraocular lens, IOL.
It is important to take time to recover from surgery.  Don’t plan on driving for a few days and avoid strenuous lifting and activities.  It is important not to bend over or put pressure on your eye.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Increasing Popularity Of LASIK Surgery

There are a number of benefits that come from corrective eye surgery such as LASIK.  Having perfect or close to perfect vision without the hassle of glasses and contacts. There is a great deal of annoyance that comes along with wearing glasses or contacts.  When you are engaging in physical activity, enjoying some time in the water, or what not you always worry about your glasses being in a safe place or if you will get sand in a contact. There is a lot of agitation that comes along with making sure the device you use to see properly doesn’t break or get something in it.

Living An Active Lifestyle

Laser corrective eye surgery makes athletics of all types simpler.   Many an athlete has come into the office complaining about the inconvenience of wearing glasses and contacts in contact sports.  LASIK is an attractive option for athletes. It is important however, that they give themselves enough time off in between surgery and heading into action to allow their eyes to heal.  Even if you are not a professional athlete, if you have a particularly active life style LASIK is beneficial as well.  Simple outdoor activities like jogging, hiking, camping, and more are all made simpler without having to worry about carrying contact solution with you or be concerned if you break a lens while out on the trail.  Laser eye surgery can elevate your active lifestyle.

Traveling Made Simpler

Vacations are made easier with laser vision surgery as well.  Anyone who has ever taken a trip knows how difficult it is to pack and prepare for a trip.  Now factor in the supplies you need to see along with spares in case you lose a contact or miss placing your glasses without having a suitable solution.  Your trip could easily become a disaster.  Imagine spending the entire vacation looking for a suitable replacement for your glasses or contacts rather than enjoying your time away.

Care Free Living

LASIK allows patients to go glasses free and still see without the discomfort that is often experienced with the use of contact lens.  This typically comes into play when preparing for a special event like your wedding day.  Brides are often disinterested in wearing their glasses on their wedding day however still want to be able to see, without the irritation of contact lenses.  LASIK gives patients the opportunity to just get up and go without a care in the world.  Imagine waking up and not having to consider the means at which you will see.

Cost Saving Solution

Another benefit of LASIK surgery comes from the money that is saved.  It is estimated that Americans spend upwards of 30 billion dollars a year on eye care solutions each year.  On average LASIK costs about $2,000 per eye which may seem costly however when you add the cost of yearly eye exams, contacts, glasses and the products to care for them properly you are spending upwards of $500 a year.  Considering you will need these products for the rest of your life and LASIK is a one-time expense, the savings is seen relatively quickly.

Laser vision correction is becoming an incredibly popular surgical option to improve vision for a number of reasons. LASIK is convenient and allows people to pursue a comfortable and confident lifestyle.  The many benefits that come from living a life without the addition of glasses and contacts allow us to see why laser vision surgery has become such a popular option to provide high quality vision.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Monday, November 12, 2018

Recovery After Lasik: What to Expect

LASIK is a common surgical procedure that is performed everyday throughout the United States.  The biggest concern that most patients have surrounds recovery.  It is important to note that although the surgery last only a few minutes per eye, the long-term recovery process, complete healing, can take upwards of six months.  Here are some common side effects and how you can relieve them.

Overall Discomfort and Minor Pain

Most LASIK patients describe a certain level of discomfort during and after laser vision surgery.  The most common sensations are light sensitivity, burning, or ripping.  Some patients say they barely notice these symptoms while others find them to be quite bothersome.  Symptoms can vary a great deal between what LASIK procedures and technique was used.  This minor pain and overall discomfort should dissipate in about two to four hours after the surgery.


Redness is a normal side effect of laser vision surgery and recovery.  Some patients experience dark red spots in the whites of their eyes for a couple of days after their surgery.  These spots are very similar to bruising and can take weeks to completely disappear.

Dry Eyes

One of the most common symptoms after LASIK is dry eyes.  More than fifty percent of patients express their need for eye drops after surgery.  Surgeons will recommend you purchase eye drops before the surgery in addition to the prescription eye drops that are prescribed to prevent infection and inflammation.

After the procedure you will be required to meet with your surgeon the next day for a post-operative appointment.  During this appointment you will have your vision checked and the ophthalmologist will check to make sure that your corneas are healing.  This is the time to address any symptoms you are experiencing with your doctor.  You will have several appointments throughout the healing process to verify that they process is occurring properly.  The intervals for these appointments will be one month, three months, and six months.  At the sixth month visit your eyes should be completely healed and your vision stabilized.

After surgery, to avoid complications, there are a number of activities that should be avoided including from wearing make-up to avoiding strenuous activities.  It is also important to avoid getting soap and water in your eye and you should avoid swimming or any activity in which you submerse your head in water.   Computer use should also be avoided or used cautiously.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Recovering from Cataract Surgery

Recovering from cataract surgery should be relatively short and unexciting especially when your health is good and there aren’t any other major issues with your eyes.  Based on statistics, once a cataract has been removed your chances of an excellent outcome and sharper vision.
Cataract surgeries without complications most often takes under ten minutes from start to finish.  Right after surgery patients will rest in a recovery room until the affects of sedation and anesthesia wear off.  Recovery usually lasts anywhere between a half hour to an hour. You will not be able to see clearly right away so it is important to have someone available to drive you home after cataract surgery.  Patients are given a pair of sunglasses for the ride home to protect their eyes from the sunshine and light glare.

Once patients are at home they are advised to take it easy for the rest of the day.  Your surgeon will tell when you can take off the protective shield that has been placed over your eye.  This is usually possible after several hours however, it is important to follow the instructions that you are given for your unique situation.  Remember that you will need to use the protective shield when you are sleeping for protection while your eye is recovering from surgery.  This will need to be done for several days. 

Recovery Time

Your vision will appear cloudy and distorted for awhile once you have removed the shield from your eye.  Your vision can take some time to adjust after the removal of a cataract.  Once your eye adapts to the intraocular lens that has replaced your natural lens the cloudiness in your eye will disappear. However, during this process some patients mention that their vision is a bit wavy and distorted.  If you experience this, it is important to note that it should last only about an hour.

After cataract surgery you may notice that your eyes are redder and bloodshot.  This is temporary because of damage to the blood vessels on the surface of the white part of your eye that can occur during surgery.  As your eye heals from cataract surgery this redness will disappear.
Many cataract patients report that their vision is clear within hours after surgery.  This however, varies from patient to patient.  Each person heals at a different speed.  It is crucial that you do not rush your recovery.  Even though some patients see clearly within hours of surgery some take as long as a week or two before they see sharp images.

Cataract patients will most often see their surgeon the day after their surgery to look for signs of complications.  After this period, it will be up to each patient individually to contact their surgeon if they have concerns or don’t feel the improvement in their vision is occurring how they thought it would.

Some people report dry, scratchy eyes right after cataract surgery however, as your eye begins to heal this will slowly fade.  About a month after cataract surgery patients are considered recovered and their eyes should be completely healed.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Friday, October 12, 2018

Common Eyesight Problems That Are Solved with Laser Eye Surgery

Lasik surgery is not the cure all for every eye sight issue. Not every issue that you have with your vision will be solved with the same surgery; just like every ailment with your body can’t be solved by undergoing the same surgical procedure.  In the article below we will educate patients on the most common eye issues that laser eye surgery, LASIK, can possibly remedy.

The three most common problems that patients are bothered by that can be treated with LASIK include: nearsightedness, farsightedness, and blurred vision.  When you meet with your ophthalmologist they will measure your vision.  Vision is measured using units known as diopter.  If you are nearsighted this final number is expressed as a negative number whereas farsightedness is represented with a positive number.

Myopia – Nearsightedness

Many patients that are plagued by nearsightedness can find their vision corrected with LASIK surgery.  LASIK eye surgery provides successful results to most patients suffering from Myopia however, severe cases may be told that laser surgery is not right for them.  A consultation will be done to see where your vision lays on the spectrum to determine if LASIK is an option for you.

Hyperopia – Farsightedness

Although LASIK surgery is available to patients with farsightedness the consultation is a bit more in depth than it is for nearsightedness.  The evaluation of patients goes into greater depths as it is important to determine the degree at which the cornea is flattened.  With a flat cornea the eye is shorter than normal and causes object that are in the distance to focus behind the retina.

Astigmatism – Blurred Vision

Patients with blurred vision in one or both of their eyes most likely have a condition known as astigmatism.  This occurs because of an uneven steepening of the cornea.  Often this ailment can be corrected through LASIK surgery.

As previously stated, the first step in determining if the problem you are experiencing with your eyesight makes you a candidate for LASIK is to schedule a consultation to meet with the surgeon.  Even if laser surgery is not an optimal treatment of your condition it is important for you to understand that you have other options, both surgical and non-surgical.

The professionals at Rohr Eye & Laser Center focus your treatment plan around achieving the best possible results for the candidate.  If LASIK isn’t going to give you the result you are looking to achieve we will explore both surgical and non-surgical solutions that provide you with the vision of your dreams.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Friday, October 5, 2018

Vision Correction Surgery: What You Should Know About Cataract Surgery

One of the benefits of aging is the amazing side effects it has on our bodies!  Of course, we are being sarcastic however, it is true that as your age increases so do the ailments that affect us.  One of the most common side effects of aging is the development of cataracts.   

Cataracts are described as a cloudiness on the lens inside your eye.  Often the loss of vision due to cataracts cannot be corrected with the use of contacts, glasses or corneal refractive surgery, LASIK.  We know this sounds scary at first.  However, vision can be restored when it is lost because of cataracts with modern cataract surgery.  Surgery for cataracts often reduce the dependence on vision correction methods as well.

As previously mentioned cataracts are most often associated with the process of aging.  Cataracts are more common to seniors and in fact up to 70% of Americans over 80 have been affected by cataracts.  This number is expected to continue to increase in the years ahead.  This is just one of the reasons eye surgeons have taken modernizing cataract surgery so seriously.  It is expected that the population of the United States affected by cataracts is to nearly double by the middle of the century.

One of the safest, most effective, widely performed surgical procedures now-a-days is cataract surgery. Three million cataract surgeries are performed each and every year, the majority resulting in unparalleled visual outcomes. 

During cataract surgery the cloudy lens inside the patient’s eye is removed and replace with an intraocular lens, IOL.  This artificial lens helps to restore clear vision.  The surgical procedure is most often performed on an outpatient basis and doesn’t require the patient to stay overnight.  Modern cataract surgery involves the use of a high-frequency ultrasound that is used to break the cloudy lens into small pieces that can be removed.

Modern cataract removal is known as phacoemulsification, phaco for short, and is performed using smaller incisions than used in previous cataract techniques which allow for faster healing times and a reduction in the risks such as retinal detachment that can occur as a complication of cataract surgery.

Once all of the remnants of the cloud have been removed from the lens the surgeon then inserts the clear intraocular lens.  It is positioned in the same location as your natural lens, behind the iris and pupil.  Special circumstances may require the lens be placed in front of the iris and pupil, but this is not common.

Once the cataract surgeon has removed the cataract and finished the IOL implant procedure with the closing of the incision that was made to your eye a protective shield is put into place over the eye.  This shield is in place to protect the eye as you recover from surgery.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Friday, September 21, 2018

These Bad Habits Can Harm Your Eyes

Our eyes are arguably the most important of our five senses.  Even though we know this there are a few bad habits that all of us are guilty of that can severely damage our eye sight.  There are some bad habits that don’t really seem to pose a major threat like biting your fingernails but there are others like not flossing or smoking that can literally cause our teeth to fall out.  When it comes to these 4 bad habits that affect our eye sight it is crucial that we take the steps necessary to stop the impact they have on our vision.

Screen Time

It is hard in the world that we live in now to not spend a ton of time in front of a screen.  Whether its for work or pleasure, a cell phone, computer, or television the amount of time we spend focused on the screen can harm our eyesight.  Screens emit a blue light that has been known to be a contributor of eye strain.  To avoid the strain that screens put on your eyes it is advised to take frequent breaks throughout the day.  This will help your eyes rest and prevent the strain from causing permanent damage to your eyesight.

Eye Rubbing

There are several reasons that rubbing your eyes can be harmful to your vision.   First off, our hands are constantly touching surfaces that are covered with germs.  These germs are easily transferred from our hands into our eyes exposing them to god knows what we have picked up along the way.
Cornea damage is also possible from the constant motion of rubbing your eyes.  Damage done to your eyes cornea often results in the loss of vision.  If you are rubbing your eyes to rid them of debris, it is important to remember that your eyes will automatically produce tears if your eye needs to wash away foreign elements your eye is exposed.  To properly care for your vision, try to keep your hands away from your eyes as much as possible.  If you find this impossible keep your hands clean using soap and water or anti-bacteria hand wash.

Sleeping with Makeup On

It is inevitable that after a late night we accidentally fall asleep with a full face of makeup on.  Not only is this terrible for your complexion it can be incredibly harmful to your eyes.  It is important to make a habit out of removing all makeup from your face at the end of the day.  Makeup collects a wide range of bacteria throughout the day that transfers to your pillow case if not washed off properly.  This greatly reduces your risk of developing an eye infection.

Forgetting Sunglasses

We have all heard about how UV rays affect our skin but what about our eyes?  Sunglasses are a popular accessory that really are a necessity in protecting your eyes not only from the damaging UV rays but also to exposure of direct sunlight as well as wind.  Damage from exposure to UV rays can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration.
Play it safe and head these warnings from local ophthalmologists on the harmful effects of improperly caring for your eyes.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Monday, September 10, 2018

Understanding the Basics of Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery, LASIK, is one of the most common eye surgeries performed in the United States, with millions of procedures being done every year. The procedure is performed by a trained, board-certified ophthalmologist who knows how to do the surgery. Like with any elective surgery you might have done, it is very important that you know all the risks, rewards and understands that there are no guarantees of success.

LASIK - Laser Eye Surgery

Weigh the Risks and Rewards - Be sure that before you go out and have LASIK refractive eye surgery that you have thought through everything completely. You never want to have any type of surgery without weighing everything first and be confident in your decision.

Choosing the Right Eye Surgeon - There are several thousand board-certified ophthalmologists who can perform LASIK and most have already performed thousands of them, depending on how long they have been in practice. However, you need to be sure that you are comfortable with your surgeon before you should allow them to perform a procedure on your eyes. Check around, ask for recommendations from friends and family members.

Determine Myopic Level - Get to know how bad your refractive error is beforehand, so you know upfront about the likelihood that you will need refinements later down the line. As a rule, the more Myopic, nearsighted you are the higher the likelihood you will require additional refinement procedures.

Know What to Expect - LASIK is performed with you 100% awake and therefore you will want to know what to expect during the procedures. You do not want to be surprised by something when you are halfway through your LASIK.

Understand the Risks - Be sure that you understand that with all surgeries that there are several risks involved with LASIK Eye Surgery. Make sure to ask plenty of questions of the surgeon during all consultation visits before you schedule the procedures to be performed.

Know the Limitation of Surgery - There are known limitations to LASIK Refractive Surgery, it is only designed to correct nearsightedness and astigmatism. You could still end up needing to wear glasses depending on your other vision issues.  Also, LASIK will not prevent you from ever needing reading glasses or "readers" later in life.

Take Care Post Surgery - After you have decided to have the surgery done and the procedures are completed, you will be given a list of post-surgery care instructions. Be sure to follow them exactly, they will help you to heal properly and lets you know what some of the possibilities to expect.

Alternative Options - Last but, certainly not least, LASIK is just one of many eye procedures that can be performed to correct several eyesight issues. Be sure to discuss all your options before going with LASIK.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Is LASIK an Option When You Are Over 40?

Can I get LASIK eye surgery even though I am over 40?  This is a question the professionals at Rohr Eye and Laser center often get when meeting with a prospective new patient and the answer is simple, YES!  Although there is nothing simple about your eyes or how you care for them, laser surgery to correct your vision is not something to spend time being worried about.

LASIK, known to be short for laser assisted vision correction, is referred to about many different types of refractive eye surgery and laser vision correction techniques.  Dr. Jeffery S. Rohr is a highly skilled and trained eye doctor who focuses on vision correction surgery in Michigan on patients of all ages.

As a person’s vision starts to deteriorate after 40, the first thing that comes to people’s minds is that they need to start wearing reading glasses, bifocals, or reader contacts.  Often with the thought that LASIK is not to be considered because of their age or they believe their vision problem is not “bad enough” to consider laser vision correction surgery.  Thankfully however, LASIK is the solution for several issues patients over 40 are conflicted with including:
  • Seeing in the distance – Although this often means patients may need to use readers even after the sight for distance issue is resolved.
  • Monovision LASIK – This procedure decreases or eliminates the need for glasses or contacts for seeing close or far away.
  • Corneal Inlay – This is an implant that is placed on the stroma to correct vision when objects are near.
However, if a patient’s vision has begun to fade because of cataracts then LASIK is not a good choice for you.  For patients with cataracts a better option to improve your vision may be actual lens replacement.  If cataracts are your only eye ailment, then most often eye surgeons will recommend lens replacement over correction.

No matter what age you are it is important to do thorough research on the ailment that is afflicting your vision and causing you issues with seeing be it near or farsightedness and the treatment options available.  Both online and in person research will ensure you understand what treatment is available, how it will help you, the recovery, and the prognosis for your future eyesight once it has been corrected.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Understanding Cataracts and How They Affect Your Vision

There are several illnesses that creep up on us as we age, cataracts being one of them.  There are misconceptions surrounding cataracts and their treatment.  In this installment on laser vision correction surgery we will investigate cataracts and what can be done to treat them.

When the lens inside of your eye begins to cloud that is known as a cataract.  This can cause a loss in vision that is unable to be corrected with contact lens, glasses, or normal corneal refractive surgeries like LASIK.  This may sound frightening however, modern surgery for cataracts can often restore vision and ease dependency on eyeglasses.

Most often cataracts are associated with the aging process.  Recent studies have shown that upwards of 68% of Americans over 80 years old have been affected by cataracts.  This statistic is expected to continue to grow especially as the population continues to age.  Thankfully, surgery for cataracts is one of the safest, most effective laser vision correction surgeries available.

When surgery for cataracts is performed, the cloudy lens is removed and then replaced with a lens that is artificial, known as intraocular, to restore clear vision. The surgery is an outpatient surgery that is often performed at an eye care center and does not require an overnight stay.  Cataract procedures involve a high-frequency ultrasound device that is used to break up a cloudy lens into small pieces, which are removed with suction.

This procedure is known as phaco and can be performed with tinier incisions than previous techniques.  This helps to promote healing and reduce complications.  When the fragments are completely removed the eye surgeon inserts a clear lens putting it securely behind the iris and pupil in the same location that your natural lens had sat.   Once the cataract is removed and the IOL is inserted and the procedure is completed with your incision being closed. A protective shield is placed over your eye to keep it safe while recovery occurs.

If you suspect your vision is starting to turn gray and cloudy, get into have an eye exam sooner than later.  Cataracts that are caught early are more receptive to treatment which can lead to better outcomes.  Each patient will recover at their own pace however in most cases you will see an improvement in your vision.  Some patients report a glare or halo around bright lights which often disappear within a month.  This is a very rare complication.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state-of-the-art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website to schedule an appointment.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Eye Corrective Surgery This Summer Season

This summer has been a hot one!  With hot summer days glasses can be a pain.  They fog up when its humid and you head outside after being in the air, cause your face to sweat, make you have to carry expensive sunglasses, and are just an all-around hassle make many people start to consider LASIK vision correctionLaser eye correction surgery technology is better than ever and is used to treat myopia hyperopia, and astigmatisms by reshaping the cornea to allow the light entering your eye to properly be focused onto your eyes retina.  In most cases surgery can be performed in under fifteen minutes and is pain-free.

The LASIK Process

After an initial consultation with your eye surgeon you will be scheduled for LASIK surgery.  During your surgery an eye surgeon will use a tool to cut a thin flap in the cornea that is circular in shape.  This flap will be folded back allowing the surgeon to access the cornea area known as the stroma to remove the corneal tissue that is creating your vision problem.

A cool ultraviolet laser beam removes tiny bits of tissue to reshape the cornea to allow light to properly enter the retina and improve overall vision.  For nearsightedness the goal is to flatten the cornea while with farsightedness a steeper cornea is created.  Astigmatisms are treated by smoothing out irregular cornea shapes into a more natural shape.

Once the laser has been used to reshape the cornea, the eye doctor will lay the flap back in place so that the area of the cornea where the tissue was removed is covered allowing naturally healing to take place.  During surgery patients are not under anesthesia and instead only require topical anesthetic drops to numb the area.  Laser eye surgery does not require stitches or band aides. 

Once surgery has been completed it is important to rest.  Your eyes may temporarily feel an itch or a burn that will go away in time.  It is important to have someone with you to drive you home after the surgery.  In fact, you are not to drive until an eye doctor has confirmed your vision meets legal driving standards which is usually done during a follow up visit the day after surgery.
You can expect hazy eye sight the say of your surgery that should clear up by the following day.  Over time your vision will continue to improve eventually stabilizing.  Many LASIK surgeons will allow you to return to work the following day but recommend a couple of days of rest if at all possible.  Patients are told to avoid strenuous activity for at least a week to allow for healing.
Patients that follow their surgeons directions and remain steadfast to their recovery should experience very little discomfort or complications.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment. 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Can Surgery Repair Your Cataracts?

Unfortunately, far too many people take their eyesight for granted and just assume that they will always have it. That is until something happens to change it and then everything changes in an instant. Whether it is a gradual, instant, partial or complete loss, having to deal with the loss of sight is truly a life-changing event. Unless you have experienced some degree of temporary blindness or loss of sight, you have no idea what it is like to live with cataracts.

What are Cataracts? What causes them?

The lens of the eye plays an extremely important function and as long as it is working correctly your vision will be unaffected. Unfortunately, at some point, the natural lens starts to get cloudy and no longer allows for optimum focusing capability. According to vision specialist, the cloudiness of the natural lens is caused by the buildup of proteins that gather together on the surface of the lens which gives it the cloudy appearance.

This cloudiness causes the light that is able to pass through the eye to be unfocused and images appear blurry. Once your vision becomes hazy and blurry it normally means that your vision is at risk and that you will need to talk to an ophthalmologist to determine what is the next the step that you will need to in order to be able to restore your vision.

What treatments are options available to correct the condition?

There is only one real treatment to correct cataracts in one or both eyes and that is surgery. The surgical procedure involves removing the clouded lens and replace it with an Intraocular (IOL) implant lens. Once the surgery is complete and the cataract removed your vision will once again return to normal. There are two different types of IOL lens; monofocal and multifocal

Cataract surgery

If you are like millions of people who have cataracts, you will eventually have to opt to go through the surgery to have the affected lens in your eye or eyes. Unfortunately, as of now, this is absolutely the only way to treat Cataracts and have any chance of being able to see normally again. The skilled surgeon will remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an implant lens and you will be able to see normal again.

Cataract laser surgery

As with many eye procedures, the laser has made performing the delicate task of cutting in and around the eye much safer. This is definitely true in the case of the Cataract surgery. Now there is a second type of surgery that can be performed on your Cataract and it involves using a laser instead of the blade of a knife.

Common risks associated with cataract surgery
As with any surgery, you should always take into consideration the risks that are involved before you go under the knife. While you are obviously at a point in your life that you are in danger of totally losing your vision due to the severity of your cataracts in your eyes, however, you still need to be sure that you understand all of the risks from having the cataract removal surgery. We put together a list of some of the more common risks associated with the cataract surgery procedure:

Risks associated with Cataract Surgery using multifocal IOL
  • Loss of sharpness in vision
  • Halo effect in low light or fog
  • Excessive glare

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider Corrective Eye Surgery

If you wear eyeglasses, chances are you’ve probably thought about having corrective eye surgery at least once. The frustration of having to wear glasses all the time can be really annoying. Even wearing contacts instead of glasses can be a dreadful chore each morning as you have to put your lenses in and then take them out each night. Here are a few reasons why you should just bite the bullet and consider corrective eye surgery to help you see without glasses or contacts:


One of the biggest benefits of corrective eye surgery is the convenience of not having to deal with glasses or contact lenses each day. You’ll be able to wake up in the morning with amazing sight!

Long Term Cost Savings

The procedure might be a lot up front, but corrective eye surgery will save you money in the long term since you won’t have to pay for glasses, contacts or a new lens prescription each year if your vision changes.

No Prescription Sunglasses Needed

If you wear glasses, you know you need your regular glasses and then additional prescription sunglasses if you don’t wear contacts. This just doubles the amount of money you have to spend on glasses! Laser eye surgery eliminates the need for both types of glasses!

Active Lifestyle

If you live an active lifestyle, you already know how frustrating it is to have to wear glasses all the time. They fall off when you’re working out, playing sports and can’t be worn when you’re swimming. You won’t need to worry about any of this when you choose corrective eye surgery!
Increased Confidence
Some people with glasses don’t feel as confident as they would without them. Corrective eye surgery will make you feel and see better since you’ll be able to walk around with your head tall instead of being self-conscious because of your glasses.
Simple Surgery
Even though it’s still surgery, you’ll be out for maybe a day before going back to your regular schedule. But only this time, you won’t need any glasses.  Corrective eye surgery isn’t a hard surgery at all and thousands of people get it down each day. It’s not super invasive like other surgeries and you simply go in, have it done and then are released a few hours later.
If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Increasing Freedom After LASIK Eye Surgery

After LASIK eye surgery patients should expect an increasing freedom in their lifestyles.  There is a new-found convenience that is found after laser vision correction.  Upwards of ninety percent of LASIK patients state that they are more than satisfied with the results seen after surgery.  In fact, there are a number of lifestyle changes that are mentioned over and over when talking about the independence vision correction surgery gives patients.

TV in Bed

Imagine how annoying it is to have to get up and take out your contact lenses after watching television in bed and gotten comfortable or worse yet falling asleep with your glasses on, rolling over, and breaking them.  LASIK allows people to enjoy clear vision twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week without the weight and irritation of glasses rubbing against your nose or cheeks or the uncomfortable feeling of dry eyes in the morning.  Clear vision makes a huge transformation in patient’s everyday routines including catching some late-night television.

Decrease Expenses for Clear Vision

Costs associated with vision exams, yearly contacts, and eyeglasses can really add up to a lot of money over the course of a year.  The updates in your prescription and the constant need for replacement glasses can cost upwards of a thousand dollars.  Not only do they cost more financially, contacts cost you in time as well.  There is a significant amount of time involved in caring for your contact lenses.  With LASIK eye surgery the time and financial costs of taking care of your eyes decreases significantly.

Convenience in Sport Activities

Have you ever tried running with glasses on?  LASIK makes it possible to participate in sports without the inconvenience of contacts or glasses.  Patients that are into swimming can swim without needing expensive prescription goggles or risking the loss of a contact lens in the water.  Not only can this increase your performance in sporting activities it can add comfort in participation.

Physical Changes

Without the need for eyeglasses, LASIK patients will experience a change in their physical appearance.  Women may find a new-found love for makeup as they no longer need to hide their eyes behind glasses.  In fact, men and women both enjoy the cosmetic changes of laser eye correction whether they are at home, work, or play.
Options in Sunglasses
Without the need for prescription eyeglasses you have a world of sun glass options to choose from.  Sunglasses are an especially important fact of life for LASIK patients as they help protect your newly fixed eyes from the damaging rays of the sun.
Of course, the greatest advantage of laser correction surgery is the reward of clear vision.  Reward yourself today with a free LASIK consultation with the professionals at Michigan Lasik – Rohr Eye & Laser Center.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.