Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Most Beneficial Foods for Eye Health


Drinking plenty of water, eating nutrient-rich foods, and exercising can improve our lives and increase health benefits. Eye health is also supported through these same activities. Regularly consuming specific vitamins and nutrients can prevent or delay sight-threatening eye conditions and diseases which include macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.

Fish: omega-3 fatty acids are present in oily fish such as tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, and herring. Studies have shown that dry eye can be reversed by fish oil consumption.

Nuts, seeds, and legumes: beyond omega-3 fatty acids, nuts also contain a high Vitamin E level, which can protect the eye from age-related damage. Examples include: Brazil nuts, hemp seeds, walnuts, lentils, flax seeds, cashews, chia seeds, and peanuts.

Citrus fruits: boasting high amounts of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights age-related eye damage, citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits can improve eye health.

Leafy green vegetables: kale, spinach, and collard greens are highly beneficial for eye health since they contain lutein, Vitamin C, and zeaxanthin.

Carrots: beta carotene and Vitamin A are both highly present in this vegetable, and both play an essential role in eye and vision wellbeing.

Sweet Potatoes: getting their orange color from beta carotene just like carrots, sweet potatoes also contain Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant helpful to increase eye health.

Beef: high levels of zinc are linked to beef consumption, which can delay age-related sight loss and macular degeneration. The eye itself contains high levels of zinc, especially in the retina.

Eggs: lutein, zeaxanthin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and zinc are present in eggs. These are all vital nutrients to combat age-related vision loss.

Water: to reduce dry eyes and dehydration, drink plenty of water daily.

Try consuming these foods to increase your overall eye health. For more information or to ask a professional for advice regarding ocular issues, contact the specialists at Rohr Eye & Laser Center today.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Computer Vision Syndrome Signs and Remedies


The COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to work from home or remotely. As a direct result, the use of computers, tablets, phones, and other electronic devices has risen dramatically. A condition called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) can be caused by excessive screen time. Also known as digital/computer eye strain, this phenomenon occurs when the eyes aim towards a screen for lengthy periods. Even without the pandemic, monitors, screens, smartphones, and the like can contribute to computer eye strain.

The American Optometric Association (AOA) suggests following the 20-20-20 rule: take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away. This strategy will help curb CVS symptoms, which include eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. Factors contributing to CVS are poor lighting, screen glare, improper viewing distances, poor seated posture, uncorrected vision issues, or a combination of these.

A comprehensive ocular exam will diagnose CVS. Treatment options vary; glasses, for example, are a good option for those suffering from CVS. Some lenses now come equipped with unique technology that blocks out blue light, which is thought to be emitted from digital screens. Glasses might need to be prescribed to meet the unique digital demands of computer viewing for individuals who do not otherwise have them. Eye focusing or coordination issues cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Vision therapy, a structured program of visual activities, is prescribed in those cases. The eye exercises train the eyes and brain to work together more effectively by strengthening rapid eye movement, focusing, eye teaming, and reinforcing the eye-brain connection.

Other factors, such as proper body positioning, come in to play when trying to correct CVS. Screens should be lower than eye level and be without glare (reduce lighting in the area to accomplish this or purchase an anti-glare screen.) Chairs should be comfortably padded, and feet are recommended to stay on the floor. Take frequent eye rest breaks (20-20-20 rule) and remember to blink frequently, which keeps the front surface of the eye moist.

To prevent CVS, ensure your glasses or contacts are the proper prescriptions. Minimize your exposure to blue light by purchasing blue-light blocking lenses. Adjust your work area for ultimate comfort, and take multiple breaks throughout the day. Anything that needs to be referenced from the computer screen should be placed as near as possible and at the same height.

For further information, read the original article by The AOA.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: